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Short Bio
Raj Duggal is a highly experienced software development consultant who is on a mission to help teams align their processes and practices with the fundamentals of agile software development. He is the author of the Agile Missing Manual website, and writes a free daily email newsletter on how to build software using the agile approach.
Common Topics
- How To Write Needed Technical Work As User Stories.
- How To Maintain A High Level Of Code Quality.
- How To Stop “Sprint Goals” From Causing Bottlenecks.
- How To Run Stand Up Meetings.
- How To Handle Work That Wasn’t Completed Within The Sprint.
- How To Make A Cross Functional Team
- How To Handle Technical Debt
- How To Capture and Record Details Specs and Requirements.
Sample Questions for Raj
- What is the difference between Scrum and Agile?
- How does a project manager fit in an agile team?
- What are the roles of QA and Business Analysts in an agile team?
- What kind of projects aren’t well suited to Agile?
- Why do so many developers not like agile?
- Why is it important to keep User Stories very short?
Random Facts About Raj
- I was born and raised in UK, and migrated to Toronto as a teenager.
- I recently started learning Bachata dancing.
- I started teaching my two children linux and vim when they were five years old.
More words from Raj
- Visit Raj’s main site at RajDuggal.com
- Visit Raj’s agile website at AgileMissingManual.com
- Subscribe to Raj’s daily mailing list at AgileTechies.com